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Why Can’t You See Likes on Instagram?

Unveiling the Mystery: Why Can’t You See Likes on Instagram?

Likes have been a cornerstone of engagement on Instagram, but the platform has undergone changes that have led to certain users being unable to see the number of likes on posts. This shift is part of Instagram’s effort to create a healthier environment for users and shift the focus from likes to meaningful interactions. In this guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the inability to see likes on Instagram and explore the implications of this change.

Section 1: The Hidden Like Counts Experiment

Instagram began experimenting with hiding like counts in 2019 as a response to concerns about the impact of likes on mental health and self-esteem. This experiment aimed to reduce the pressure on users to compare themselves to others based on like counts.

Section 2: Reasons for Hidden Like Counts

  • Mental Well-Being: Hiding like counts aims to alleviate the anxiety and stress associated with seeking validation through high like counts.
  • Fostering Genuine Engagement: The change encourages users to focus on authentic interactions and meaningful content rather than chasing likes.
  • Reducing Social Comparison: By concealing like counts, Instagram hopes to reduce the tendency to compare oneself to others solely based on the number of likes.

Section 3: How Hidden Like Counts Work

  • Hidden from Others: If you can’t see likes on Instagram, it means that you’re part of the experiment where like counts are hidden from everyone except the account owner.
  • Liking Still Matters: Even though you can’t see the likes on posts, you can still like content. The account owner can see who liked their posts, but the total like count is hidden.

Section 4: Impact on Engagement and Metrics

  • Focus on Content: With like counts hidden, users are encouraged to engage with content based on their personal preferences rather than popularity.
  • Implications for Influencers: Influencers and brands may need to shift their focus from like counts to other engagement metrics, such as comments and shares.

Section 5: How to Adapt to the Change

  • Shift in Perspective: Embrace the change as an opportunity to enjoy content without the pressure of likes and to build deeper connections.
  • Engagement Matters: Focus on creating content that sparks discussions and interactions, fostering a community around your posts.


The decision to hide like counts on Instagram reflects the platform’s commitment to promoting a healthier and more positive environment for its users. While it might initially be a change that takes getting used to, the shift allows us to move away from quantifying our self-worth based on likes and encourages us to engage more genuinely with content. By understanding the reasons behind hidden like counts and adapting our mindset, we can fully appreciate the evolving nature of Instagram and its impact on our online experiences.